I started with Christians in mind, but broadened the scope to include all faiths.
Question is posed to help solve a dilemma:
If “Yes” – what is that age and what is the scriptural basis.
If “No” – why do believers insist on forcing their children to become believers at a very young age? If when they turn adults and decide that they want to worship a particular deity, that deity will welcome them regardless of age.
Without a doubt, the mind of a child is like a sponge and activities and surrounding at a young age leave a lasting impression on the path to adulthood.
If we, as parents, are striving to provide a well-balanced upbringing, strive to teach our children diversity, insist on or live to provide a better life for our offspring, why on earth are we indoctrinating them with a set of one-sided values that are often ”tattooed” on them for life?
Let the kid be, teach them right from wrong and allow them to make their choice in their own life when they roll into adulthood.
We allow them the freedom to do it for career, for marriage, for residence, for the upbringing of their own children, why not let them turn 18 and if they feel like being religious - so be it, if they don’t – so be it.